Spead, Lean, Corner, COP!, BREAK!,OUCH

Fast moving ZX6R is surprised by a cop car as he comes around a corner, he attemtps to brake and lowsides. Accident on Mullholland highway near Malibu :pinch:


Shame. It was all going so well :smiley:

What do u say in that position:D

I didn’t think he was going that quick.

Bit silly for the cops to be parked up on a corner if you ask me.

I expect they were at that particular corner, on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, eating doghnuts, for a special motorbike kind of reason :cool:

Looks like he was enjoying himself and panicked.


Must have just gone straight for his brakes in an automatic “sh1t its the cops” type moment.

hence the title :wink:

I think it’s really bad where the cops are located, very distracting and should take some of the blame. If their was traffic going the other way, could of be much worse!

Not so. There is no mention of “brake” in the title, only “break”, which I guess is what happened after the bike slipped over.

Not sure what “spead” means though. Another Greek word?


lol :pinch: ARGGG!! will teach me to post before i have a cup of coffee in the morning!

I’d say the biker hit the front brake, as soon as he saw the copper … Stupid place for them to be parked … better off sitting back, so as not to distract motorist.

I wouldnt have reacted like that… with my target fixation, i would have hit the cop car :D:D

Lol I’m sure with your new blade, youd have pootled round the bend and had time for a ‘yoo hoo!’ as well :smiley:

'give us a hand to pick it up please Constable…"

how to do it properly:D


Think there is only one thing to do in that situation
Give’em the Foggy While KD, yeah baby!

Here that would have to be investigated… on the basis that they (the police) were present when he had the accident.

Wonder if there’s any roads like this here :smiley: