Souless Riders

Hmm, was the title of the thread a clever pun? “Sou” = French slang for money.

i always try and talk with fellow bikers at the lights and get snubbed oftern…

You get the “im to cool” to talk to you people…

but sometimes you get a good chat and a lil raz for a few miles…

Iv found some guys realy agressive, haha i had some guy on a scooter undertake me and a few cars (i dont undertake moving traffic if i can help it, got knocked off…)

Anyway when we go to some lights he said “see smaller bike is better for town, i could beat any big bike threw the traffic”

I was a bit pissed and said " well mate, with power comes responsibility " and smoked it anyway for the lights.

calmed down when i saw the clocks the wrong side of 80 on the harrow road…

you know…im so glad this subject was brought up…i ride everyday in london and i always nod to other riders…sometimes i get blanked and sometimes i get the gesture in return…

now…its the actual gesture thats confusing me now days…

back when i was growing up,the gesture a biker gave to another was a simple nod(chin gaurd to the chest,and back up again)

now…wot im getting alot these days is an irattic neck crick to the side(looks to funny at times!!!)lololol…what the hell is with that?

it reminds me of them goats that when you make a loud noise…they go all stiff and fall over…

if ur a rider that does that,please keep doing it…it brightens my ride to work no end!!!


Good answer Adam. I know that type of rider well. Even if they don’t say it, you know they’re trying to make a point of cutting through the traffic, but the reason the big bikes leave them to it isn’t because we can’t keep up, but because we’re trained better and don’t take unecessary risks (normally).

Smiled, I go out of my way to acknowledge other riders, you never know when you’ll meet them again, maybe at a stop or in a shop.

Tend to have a mixed reaction. Get hooted at by cars at lights when other DRZ riders and I get chatting and dont notice the lights go green. Tend to be looked down on (or should that be looked up at) by road bikes but generally get on with other bikes apart from the twit on his CBRR or VFR 400 with the loadest pipe ever on the Old Kent Road, seen many careless riders but he does take the biscuit.

You’re damned right about that Jay … when I’m in a hurry, nothing overtakes me through the traffic … and I’m slicing through on a 12R!!

Most of the time I tend to be much more restrained though … you know it makes sense!

You only have to ride around for about 5 minutes to see another rider arund watford and most will return or initiate a nod as ya go past. The ones who don’t aint worth bothering with, what upsets me is people will often acknowledge me when I am out riding but ignore Hmaster on her van van, (I guess its a fear of learner thing).

Oh okay, you won’t like me then… I quite like the “wheelie past or in front of another bike”… if another bike does it to me I flash em with my lights, give em some props… suppose it can come accross as being a bit of a hooligan though…

i just wish i could wheelie HAHA. As long it is safe i like it

Me personally, I am always happy whenever I see another biker.

Dont worry about that guy mate - He must be a complete TWAT

I rented a 125 before the gixxer and in 3 days of riding got 1 nod maybe 2, a week later im on the K4 600 and everybody wants to nod, I wanna get off the bike and smack them all.
Scoots and L-Plate riders always get a nod everyone else gets one if im in the mood or if one is given first (A few more weeks of feeling sorry for myself and then ill nod at everyone)

I usually nod, but when there is a stream of bikes coming toward me I make a slow nod, which to them probably looks like I’m falling asleep

If I think it’s a lass, then (talking a leaf from Sonic’s book) I make a more flamboyant gesture - something more akin to a David Attenborough documentary on exotic birds.

Although I remain single, I am convinced it is a winning technique.

I always nod to people always have done ever since I got my 50 on the road and I have definately noticed that less and less people nod!

Some bikers dont like to play they can find that behaviour intimidating. You get some strange people on bikes sometimes. There are so many reasons why he could have ignore you and like with people on the street you get some weird ones.

I have come across people hackign passed me dangerously in traffic to make a point but at the end of the day I want to stay upright and save my fairng and dont want to be knocked off. i take it steady through traffic and still make lots of progress. You end up catching them at the next set of lights anyway

I’ve really noticed this down here - coming from Wales when EVERY biker - scooter or big bike nods - and in some cases pulls over at the ice cream van on the top of a hill for a natter :slight_smile: The interesting thing is that I nearly always nod - I’ve started doing the strange neck crick thing because I though no-one was noticing… mmmmm

Anyway… when I left bikes for cars a couple of years back I couldn’t get out of the habbit and would nod at bikers in my car… I used to get a lot of strange looks.

So now my rule is M25… nod if someone nods at me… otherwise no… which is quite interesting when I drive in from St Albans… when do I stop nodding!
