something wrong with my bike ??

Strange thing, on the way to bmm tonight my zephyr seemed much lighter and more nimble than usual. The performance was also better and to top it all i am sure the fuel economy has improved considerably !!.
Plus that annoying little squeal i used to sometimes hear coming from behind me has completely gone… any ideas…??

Oh yea , fishface had her first ride out on her own bike tonight after passing her cbt :D:D:D…

i bet it bought back memories of being on the track lol

good to see the young un riding herself around now, dont forget to fix her footrest, it must be hard for her without it.

locked caliper pots? have you cleaned’em after winter?

:Whistling: :wink:

Hahaha just written a considered response, and then I thought about it a bit…then the penny dropped ! Nice one !

good one zeph…can imagine that now you have lost the ‘dead weight’ your bike is flying along…:smiley:


never heard them called that before, but yes I think fishface could do with a good clean-up…but you can tell her not me…:wink:

I meant pistons, sorry for my poor english, I think I heard that somewhere :smiley:



Great to see Fishface on her bike last night!!! Great to have another lady biker on the road :cool:

Congrats FF - freedom at last eh :cool:

Zeph - amazing what weight loss can do for your riding ain’t it :wink:

lol nice one! Was cool to see FF rock up on her own wheels yesterday! :slight_smile:

Sorry, just re-read my post and it is possibly a little obscure, especially if english is not your first language .:slight_smile:

Yea’ not having to take a pillion everywhere will make a difference even on a relatively big bike. It will just take a while for me to stop worrying about her every time she is out on the bike [ now i know what my mum went through ]

My mum Still worries and she’s 83 :smiley:

not the most flattering of posts for me !
being a weighty burden on ur bike
thnx dad… :stuck_out_tongue:

You…weighty! there’s nowt of you:w00t: Cheeky dad lol, Glad you got your wheels girlie…now go kick ass and pass that test put daddy in the shade:D

Was good to see you riding in procession by the roundabout near Fullers Brewery Chiswick last night on your way home, dad out front and Rocker acting as rear gunner. I hope your ride out was uneventful and so to see you all at BMM again.

oo didnt notice u ! was probably concentrating on which lane ur supposed to be in on a roundabout :stuck_out_tongue:
yeah it was a gd ride no problems really
well a mercedes ( ithink am **** with cars) went sideways trying to push me out of my lane
but i saw him
and michelle beeped her horn about 20 times at him :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent news, so Ace cafe next then?