Something Everyone Should Know About Rixxy!

He’s actually a real cool guy, who will try and help people out as much as possible, you can have a laugh with him or a real serious conversation, he is never short of cool plans of places to go or things to do and (if you’re not a prick I guess) he will welcome you into his life with open arms!

Also, he used to be a world famous model…I’ll let you decide if I’m lying about that! :smiley:

Now, if only he wasn’t married… :stuck_out_tongue:

If he wasnt married hed be my main gay pin-up in place of you my precious.:slight_smile:

Got yer zips sorted sweetheart?

Julie waits in anticipation tantamount to frustration, aka mastur***ion.

some say rixxy is so sweet he makes sugar blush with shame

others think he is the human embodiment of caramel

all we know, is he’s called… whoa… de ja vu!

Not yet, although soon it’ll be summer and I won’t need textiles!

I won’t leave you all worked up for nothing though, I’ll come round one day :smiley:

Rixxy - only met him once and he made an impression on me :w00t:

Some say he has a camera secreted in his helmet, and that it wipes itself clean when least expected.

Sounds like an interesting night out…what did you do to his zips?

oh ****, it would have been better if you wrote bad stuff, now everyone is going to think we are a couple!!:D:D:D

I heard Rixxy is an ex ballerina that found a liking for pies…and his little beard is a mating call for large barrel chested gym monkeys with a penchant for lettuce

northern monkey, just cos i wont come on a date with you tomorrow night!!

Your loss loser…I was gonna dress up for you too:P

POINTS YOU yes YOU made me cry :slight_smile: And i agree with Mr Gold, you are frigging AWESOME :smiley:

ah shite can i change my mind???

Ram it cod lips

Sounds like a good night :cool:


You can have his ticket if you want

I’ll start working on my gag reflex… :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHAHAHAHA i’ll bring my gum shield

Sounds like a night of violence and sex…perfect!