Some weirdo has just added me on facebook.....

Carefull peoples…he seems to be spreading through facebook like wild fire…adding Londonbikers at an incredible rate…i dont know what he’s up too…but please be weary…admin are looking into this and will give you an update shortley…

Best advice:…to remove or deny his freind request as soon as possible untill we can asertain who he is…



OMG, he added me yesterday, he does look a bit odd doesn’t he!! Maybe I should remove him!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Creepy looking.

Has he been virus checked:w00t:

Isn’t one of the Columbian drug lords the FBI, are after? :smiley:

He added me too :blink:

beware the manwhore :hehe:

I thought he looked a bit odd…there is some very strange people on that Fb:P

The thought of me ‘Entering your systems’ worries me too! :hehe:


i hope he doesnt find me! :wink:

He’ll find you… he can smell cookies a mile off :stuck_out_tongue:

I can smell a lot of things a mile off :wink:

No more cookies though! I’ve got to start eating more healthy - doctors orders!
So, I’ll be smelling salads from now on… and f*nny (goes without saying)

That spells funny, btw :smiley:

mmmmmmmmm Change of avatar required. “Stuff yourself with my celery special” doesn’t quite have the same appeal somehow. :smiley:

May be more acceptable at one of those modern-day fetish parties… :smiley:


there fixed… :smiley:

Someone suggested we became friends, so I refused, got enough weirdo friends on there as it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Got an email through saying that he wanted to be my friend on facebook…a bit worrying as I am not on facebook! :w00t:

Hmmm, I didn’t get a friend request… whats wrong with me?! :smiley:

He tried to add me twice too…but I declined! I think he has been stalking me… :wink:

same dont think hes into us newbeeeees:hehe: