BabyJ was using a works MP3 for commuting and came round to give us a go
thats not a very good idea letting everyone go on our works scooter, no insurance and no helmets hmmm dont think Matt is gonna be to pleased
Umm, why? I’d have thought the PR value easily justifies it, besides, smokey and myself were insured. It’s just a bit of fun. Lighten up
if ya aint got no lid on then your on the road illegally there for no insurance
Are you training at Hendon now or something mate? Hehe. We’re all adults, I don’t think a twenty second ride on stone-dead residential road is going to cause anyone any trouble.
I was just saying thats all
He didn`t look overly impressed did he.
lol how cool does he look on that
BabyJ, whats with the open crash helmet? come on m8 thats not cool lol
He’s gone all continental on us
oh no! never thought id hear the day!
whats gone wrong Baby J ? lol