Its getting a bit SLACK on the T-Shirt front guys and gals…
Its all well and good being a part of LB (love it meself) but Its got to be said that it would be nice if you attended a meet in a T-Shirt.
Two reasons…
If there is any fooking about with engine noise, burns and general crap then identification will be easy and residents will know that we are not to blame.
its a community and we need to identify…the plus is our fund raising (LAA)…and if im not wrong…
Its a bonding thing too…Newbies…Regulars…we should all wear them !!
Too True Weaver…maybe a londonbikers logo sticker could be thought about…i needed a decent sticker to cover scumthief damage…what about one like the target logo ?..helmets…shirts ???
how about McDonald’s style name badges LOL with l.b. logo and the stars on them for beginner/intermediate/advanced so we can identify the infidel intruders at the Cubana or other places?