silly (?) question

As much as I love the sun shining, I have a problem, as sometimes I can’t see anything when riding, I can’t fit my sunglasses under the helmet, I don’t want a tinted visor as I ride when it’s dark and I can’t always keep it open when it rains…

Any ideas…?

Thank you,


Buy new sunglasses or carry around a clear visor?

i carry a clear visor with me.

or get a tinted pinlock insert and just remove it when it gets dark

depending on what helmet you got, get a clear & a tinted pinlock. then you can change from clear pinlock to tinted.

the benefit of this compared to a whole tinted visor is that the tinted pinlock is much smaller and can fit in a backpack or even under the seat!

Caberg crash helmet with built in flip down sun visor

Thank you, I hoped there is something I could add underneath my visor (or on top), like a smaller tinted visor, but something which stays there and I don’t have to remove/attach it every time

I always carry a clear visor around with me…

some ppl add tape a stip on the top bit of the visor that creates a line of shade…

not tried it as a)dont want to stick anything on my visor
b)may restrict vision
c) doesnt look very nice

more info

ah, ok, so I wont do that then…Let me just google the pinlock… (I bet my helmet its not suitable…)

pretty sure you can get a reactive pinlock thats clear at night, and tints when its bright, like the glasses you can get

there is but its not made by pinlock. its called fogcity hyperoptics… but i never found that it goes dark enough

hmm, can’t find anything on the helmet which says what model it is, and it seems like I should know it as there are different pinlocks for different helmets…

does anybody make sun reactive visors ? I cant find any on the net.

seems like it would be a popular buy

not that i know of

you can buy diy sets where you drill your own holes…

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might be able to find a visor with pinlocks already pre-drilled…;).



I still have a prototype reactive visor from when I used to do some consultative work for Everoak before they went bust.

It actually worked very well, but the construction and materials made it very expensive, and by expensive I mean several hundreds of pounds, although this cost would have dropped substantial had it gone into production.

Thank you very much to all of you :slight_smile:

Smiled - it’s KBC (no idea what model, either it doesn’t say, either I’m not very bright…)

I found this:

but I’m not sure whether it would be ok to my (cheap…) model… :slight_smile:

Panagiotis, I think I would only make a damage to my helmet if I tried drilling holes :slight_smile:

T.C - I’m on a tight budget…

post a pic of it… we might recognise it! :wink: