Shut Down and Ride

I was sitting here this afternoon reading the most active threads, yes you know the one’s. realising that mylife is running out I decided to ht the shut down button and go for a bimble.You can maybe realise my route by the pics…

The first thing was for future reference to head down to …

from here…

…for a quick ciggy break… …loving my new tyres… and finally… So back to the bickering threads to catch up on what I missed. Oh my view by the way is that as far as I know nobody has died or even been seriously injured by being offended, let it roll.

Nice ride :slight_smile:


This is England.

looks like a nice ride, good shots, how many miles was it, maybe you should do a ride out, one weakend,:smiley:

Great pics! :slight_smile:

Good tyre choice!

Looks like you had a nice ride, only one thing missing from those picsYou cant go to Windsor and not have an ice cream by the river…tut tut

Dont worry i will have one for you next time i am out there :smiley:

Lol - good to get back to the reasons for being here :slight_smile:

We’re on the final leg of Iceland tomorrow, and finally looking forward to some nice weather tomorrow for a last chance of good off-road bimbles.

I love that area. I grew up Windlesham, not far from Sunningdale :smiley:

Thanks for the replies and the Interest.

I did about 40 miles in all, I didn’t today but I can now use the sat nav to plan a route.

I did a nice one on royal wedding day, over 200 miles incorporating Middx, Surrey, Hants, Berks and Oxon, I will put some pics up if I can find them.