Shiny blackness

Just put 2 shiny new BT021’s on me Fazer. New tyres make Red happy. Dunno why I’m sharing that, bit of a dull post really. Sorry. Move along…

[edit] and posted in completely the wrong forum. Damn I’m stoopid.

Another post that’s useless without pictures;):D:D:D

I never ‘Tyre’ of your jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

You have deflated my ego now:P

My mate just moved in a new ‘Flat Mate’ :w00t:

Is that the “Pilot”?;):smiley:

Yeah, he used to work ‘Wall’ Street :wink:

You better “tread” carefully as this could be construed as hijacking:P

The ‘pilot’ is retraining in acu’puncture’ :cool:

Was he tyred of flying then?:wink:

Yeah, he had a problem with ‘Balancing’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Enough boyz…put the sweets down, let go of the box of e-numbers, and go run around the block a few dozen times ok…