FFS!!! First time I’ve ever been glad that the picture wasn’t clear
Dude should’ve bought a bike…that’s a mid-life crisis if I ever saw one
Think that bloke was in a butchers apron
Thats hot
i love transsexuals
OMG. That looked painful jeas!
Both me and my partner have had surgery. Not FFS but I’ve have Breast Aug and GRS and she has had GRS.
For the iliiterate agmonst us, we are both MtoF and GRS is Gender Reassignment Surgery.
Our Virago’s feel (vibrate) better since the Op.
sometimes its good NOT to share
And what planet you from this week Rodney !!
You got ur mother in a whirl, cause she’s not sure if ur a boy or a girl. Rebel rebel u tore ur dress, rebel rebel ur face is a mess
gag me with a spoon!!!
urgin smiled.
Ill agree on that!
Some times its good to say ‘no’ to that last pint on a session! lol