Securing luggage to the bike

Been working on the Russia stuff latley and one of the things that keeps raising it’s ugly head is how we’re going to secure things like tents to the bikes without getting them nicked.

Most of the stuff will be in locked hard luggage - but somethings - like the tent - simply don’t fit and have to be strapped…

Anyone got any ideas?


I’ve got a Pacsafe net - not cheap but very good.

Google Pacsafe UK and take your pick.

I think Pacsafe is the way to go - they have different ones and it’s worth the outlay considering the amount of hassle losing the ofd bit from a bag might cause us…

wow there’s loads of stuff there - quite like the look of my tent surrounded in metal netting!

Perhaps a bit OTT though? I don’t know - everytime I think I’ve got an idea I come up with a really good way to get around it! Packsafe does look the best option though…

That’s really handy actually - use it on my lid all the time - scares the little buggers when they touch the lid that’s for sure.


Got a couple of paksafes you can borrow if you want Matt

Funky - cheers mate - may well take you up on that offer.


Probloem is, you can easily cut throught them with a decent sent of side cutters…for example

but that seems to be the problem with everything I can come up with - a simple cut with some snips or a knife and it’s gone… I guess it’s the passing thief I want to stop rather than the determined effort.


Homebase have most of their pacsafe products in the sale.

I agree, it will put off the opportunists.

Matt I have a pacsafe for my ventura bags its spot on but then i was going to tell you that at the next JTR meeting

Or we could just leave Patrick with the bikes