Saturday's 1st winter ride through Siberia!!

Dear dogs…

The glorious sunshine as predicted on BBC certainly came. The rising of the ball of fire that provides energy for life certainly didnt let the warmth shine through.

The freezing temperatures, the salt on the roads, the grease over the parts of the unsused road, low sun providing unwanted obstacles and distractions to the other cars on the road.

We met at the famous party zone only to be lulled into a false sense of security that it may actually be warm. So Out to boxhill with traffic slowing us down and jsut frustrating a bunch of salivating dogs eager to get out onto the open road.

Decisions to venture to a small pub in Sheet, near Peterborough on the A272 were in hindsight a little bit of a mistake as we didnt really account for the weather… well… i didnt anyways… . My new winter gloves were only a temporary defence to the inevitable Siberian COld that has chilled me all the way through and even 2 hours later i’m still suffering… crazy i know!!

The ride lacked the rush that we originally thought it would have as the first of “many” winter rides which are all being reconsidered!!! Its not the summer u know!!

Just a quick report that the dogs will carry on wagging their tails… despite the winter trying to prevent us tearing up those country miles.

Take care all…


I’m proud of you mate! Carry on! take some pics for us