Riders Digest Survey...

Hey there you lot… I know that you all have nothing better to do all day except chat to each other on LB and waste time… Riders Digest have sent me this survey about biking…

Here is something to kill a bit more time before you set off home for the weekend…


Uhmmm yeah did that this morning then saw your post, if anyone asks i’ll say you told me to do it

But I’ll know better

How did you come across it if you don’t mind me asking?

There’s a big red button on your homepage

It’s gratifying to know that you go there

Oh yeah… 120/70 17 & 180 55 17. for the Tyres cheers

It was by accident, I was trying to renew my mums Readers Digest subscription for xmas

I knew there was an advantage to being so close to their name