Replacement Key


Need to get a replacement ignition key for a Honda NC750 (2014 plate) as mine is about to snap in half!

Any ideas if there is a mobile service that can provide this covering London as I don’t want to put the key in the ignition and have it snap!

Appreciate any advice


If you don’t have the red key for your bike to programme the chip in a new key, you’ll struggle to find anyone. I suggest you call your local Honda dealer and ask their advice.

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As Mian says I’d call the dealer first. They told me that if I lost both keys that it’s not an easy task to make copies.

Just out of curiosity - IF i attempt to put the key in the ignition and it does break, would it still work to get me home. I know it will be a pain to remove the barrel but at least i’ll be at home.


I believe the HISS chip is in the black or red handle of the key, this needs to be held near the barrel to disable the immobiliser while the bike is running.

Cheers, sellotape and string to hand so will have a go - fingers crossed !

You can buy a BLANK replacement key from e-bay ( chinese usually). with a space in it for a transponder. then you can take to get the key cut. or you can just tape the top of the broken key to your new key. cheapest fix. I think it is about £150 from main dealer to supply a cut key and program it in.

Thanks. Managed to get home but broken part of key seems to be pushed further down the barrel now. SOS Motorcycle Recovery called but after looking said they couldn’t help as key too far down. Looks like a locksmith job (not many doing key extractions) or Honda garage (expensive) job now.!!! Bloody bikes !

You may need to dismantle the front end and take the barrel out to push the broken key out the other end. Recently had to do this when the key broke in Jackie’s CBF600. We then got these mobile auto locksmiths to clone the spare key twice as that also showed signs of metal fatigue - 07557261308

Hi - yep had to dismantle and get the lock out - locksmith done the rest.

Need to get spare cut at Timpsons now (have heard the metal they use is stronger than the cheese metal Honda use) and then keep the HISS chip on same keyring as the new key

Thanks all.

I would recommend to post a message on special social network for bikers, there are a lot of people who might be from your region and they would love to help with this issue. If you have any questions, just dm me. Good luck!

Hello @soap94 your post is disingenuous and it’s quite obvious. We have no issue with people promoting things on LB as long as there’s no direct commercial gain, though we ask that people be honest and transparent when doing so.

A quick look at your site gives the impression it’s very new, sparsely populated with next to no content and not very well translated into English.

Good luck building your site up, but please don’t be dishonest with your posts. People are not stupid, they will very quickly see that your site will not help them with their questions and leave your site unhappy. This approach will not help you build your community, it’s counter-productive. I recommend you think hard about more effective and honest ways to promote your site.


Yeah on your bike mate.