Real life "Sword in the stone"

so when you gonna start the new thread? - gas/mig/tig/arc [which is best for what? ]

If the weld don’t hold, your welder is sacked :stuck_out_tongue:

(Hope I haven’t offended anyone, but it’s true :hehe: )

Sometimes just the heat transfer down the thread from welding is enough to sort it out and Bob’s your Aunties lover :wink:

It’s crazy! Ive rebuilt this bike from near scratch excusing major open heart surgery on the engine. just full service, strip down, rebuild, re-spray. And its this little foooooker thats holding me up :crazy:

Anyway all will be ok and that bloody master cylinder is going back on know matter what!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Zeph; the welding thread will have to wait till I get some funds :wink: although keep your eyes posted for my new compressor and spray gun thread entitled look what ive painted or something to that effect :D:D:D Bloody rattle tins

forgot to mention 2strokes thanks for the idea of the nut and weld though…

First idea given Id not come close to thinking of…in fact it’d never of ceossed my mind. I actually think its an awsome idea, just not sure it’ll work on this case.

i have been where you are many times, i deal with rusted old buckets and removing some of them can seem an impossible task and on many occasions is…the welded nut on the shaft will either shear the shaft or remove it…if it shears the shaft it make drilling easier and the only choice…but as grim says it usually loosens the bolt just because of the heat applied…

get a very small drill and some wd40 drill a small hole in the centre of the bolt (from the back)gradually increase the drill size till your almost into the threads- spray wd40 on drill bit as drilling- keeps the bit cool and helps to stop blunting the bit! use grips or a vice on the bolt end, working it back /forward should relaease it if youve drilled enough out!


That sucker needs drilling and helicoiling. Try Bensham Engineering in Croydon on 020 8684 4126 ask for Andrew. They are a motor engineering shop, won many awards. Probably about £20.

Just call me …‘KING ARTHUR’:smiley: …job done! (us olduns are good for summit;)) My rates are reasonable…one coffee at BMM ta very much!:slight_smile:

you’ll do for me :smiley:

One coffe and a posh sausage butty for mr Gracy.

How did you do it?

Well done:)

Was it cross threaded or just seized in?:slight_smile:

Wasn’t me chunky, I didn’t do it - but I’m back in the workshop this week end… finally

I realise it wasn’t you cos its not green :smiley:

You got a new project then Tel?:wink:

New project is a flat in Rotherhithe, I don’t think the misses will go for the kwack green walls?

I did wanna join in this cub club that everyone’s joining. But I cant spare 30p let alone £300. Had some good ideas tho’. Are you in this club?

I’d love to but I’m being reminded i have a Fighter that needs finishing and I will have to get rid of one if i get another:w00t:

Women, don’t you love em!

Perhaps if I could find a sponsor? Maybe Domino Pizza, I could wack on a GSXR front fairing on with some sponsor logos? Nice set of clip-ons!

I loved that picture someone posted of the Trials Cub… Looks Proper:cool:

It was siezed, aluminium white ‘powder’, I soaked it in WD40 for an hour then held the thread in the vice and VERY slowly turned the cylinder (it was very tight) once out, cleaned the thread with a 6mm tap.:slight_smile:

I thank you;):D:D

I thank graycy :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: