Hey! Thanks for posting this up Joe. I’m actually looking at this in a positive manner, this is a case where LB means we can get involved in any disputes at an early point, rather just being on the receiving end of any decisions and thus enforcement. I don’t mean that LB should get involved officially, but here’s a channel for us to discuss it and even contact Martin Linton. It’s a shame he doesn’t accept comments on his blog, but I can see why he doesn’t, it might descend into pointless arguments.
Chelsea Bridge has always been about having a good time with friends on a hot summers night, including the naughty stuff, i.e. stunts. This is a part of it and for many people who attend, it’s why they go there. The scooters have lowered the tone of the meet over the last couple of years, as they tend to crash a lot and cause accidents with bikes. I think this has been a catalyst in attracting bad-press.
Since they started building those luxury apartments, we knew the venue’s days were limited, nobody living there would want this on their doorstep. Even if I lived there, I wouldn’t want the noise every Friday night if I had guests round, for example, it’s understandable.
I don’t think self-policing is the way, as we have no authority and nobody would want to listen, and it would change the character of the venue, stopping the naughty stuff. I don’t want to be defeatist, but I think this meet will either fizzle out or change in character drastically.
Being a biker is to be free, to not be constrained by so many of the things that burdeon us in normal life, this is why there’s a big bad-boy element, and it’s intertwined with all the law-abiding aspects of biking as well, I just don’t see how any future meet that claims to be a replacement can work with no naughty stuff, it’s what it’s all about.
As Cezar has pointed out, we have the Cubana meet and we have to keep the bad-boy element out from that because of the residents, and arguably, it’s working so far, but it’s a different type of meet (please keep it this way!).
The Police have shown a presence at Chelsea Bridge in various forms over the years, from casual attendance just to keep an eye on things, to full-scale moving’s-on of people when things have gotten out of hand. I would have seen this continuing if it werne’t for the new apartments. I honestly don’t know what to think now, if the highlighting of the current troubles with the residents to an MP will have an effect that can be felt by those who go to the meet, or perhaps it’ll just be another bluster in the wind?
Either way, the community has a power, it can involve those concerned and try to fight its corner.