PRAISE - (a good Garage!) Birchanger Green Services M11

Just want to add a comment of praise concerning the Petrol forecourt at Birchanger Green Services M11 after problems with the car on Saturday.

Not often you get a chance to praise a m/way service station, but thank you to the v. helpful Manager who brought his own car round, got the jumpleads out and got us going again when the battery failed on the car at the pumps. He even checked the electrics, topped up the battery & would not accept anything other than our grateful thanks.

PS - apologies if anyone else was filling up and got delayed up by a slightly used blue Jeep being pushed off the forecourt, sorry to have held you up, but it was heavy to push ON MY OWN :w00t: :smiley:

That’s excellent. The guy was probably bored out of his arse and jumped at the chance to do something interesting.