Pothole Petition @ No. 10

Sorry if this has been posted before…

You would all agree that local councils have been “Road Dressing” all the potholes and bad surface areas in favour of doing a proper job and for far too long - If you search the government site, they have a strict criteria and this is now being broken by every single authority.

Why not sign an official petition aimed at No. 10 started by a Motorcycle Dealership who is concerned about the number of motorcycles coming into his shop to repair damage to bikes by potholes, many of the riders carrying some kind of injury. All our cars are suffering too, so dont read and chat about it, sign the petition and see what No. 10 have to say…they do sent an email to every petitioner.

Dont forget too, its election year so their response could be unusual


You know you want to, it is our safety we want to protect…

There are a couple of sites where you can report potholes. They pass the new posts on to the appropriate responsible Highways Authority. If the same bit of sh** road gets reported more than once, they remind the authority of their duty of care.

If you have suffered damage as a result of a pothole (or similar) that has been reported a couple of times, you have the ammunition you need to take action against the Authority.

A lot more effective than a petition to No. 10 that just gets ignored.

I agree the petition is open for too long and is not being advertised very much. Many people have commented elsewhere that the disruption to do a proper job instead of dressing would cause more disruption, with motorists then complaining about that. I guess it’s a catch 22 situation.

Many of the potholes and surface damage I come across on my daily commute are the M25 and A217 and between them I think they caused my suspension damage. I let it go this time because it involves different agencies, each of which would deny responsibility. I am sure too that the authorities are using some kind of emergency guidelines now that our roads are seriously damaged and that any persuit for compensation would be declined.

I guess I will have to read about the accidents, damage and deaths in the media before anyone seriously wants to do something about the problem. I just get frustrated to see that road safety comes in the form of cameras and other detection systems instead of the road itself and the safety of the motorists simply driving along the road, even if it is at the proper speed limit.

Oh well!

Try contacting this lady:


An online petition isnt going to do jack.

Since I got rid of my Varadero I’ve really noticed it so much more on a fazer. It’s like being off road half the time, the majority of roads are in an utter shocking state, especially smaller residential areas. It’s not only the vast cavities in the road it’s also the amount of loose stones surrounding them. It’s like trying to ride on a pebble beach.

Usually it’s this time of year that the councils rush round spending the last of the budget fixing the roads. But it doesn’t seem to be happening this year.

That’s because the budget they have to use up is the same one that covers salting & gritting, so if it’s been a mild winter & they’ve not needed to spend much on grit & salt they have more left over come March to spend on road maintainance. This year they’ve obviously spent an awful lot more on salt/grit than they budgeted for, hence less left over to fix the holes. Bit of a double whammy really - bad winter means more potholes, but less dosh left at the end of the year to fix them with.