Popins christmas dinner

he is biding his time me thinks…:stuck_out_tongue:

it was good last night had a laugh, sorry ang for hitting you in the eye and terry for the other shot

had fun it was nice to seee so many people out aswell, espically Rana

in your dreams ginge…:smiley:

what do u mean in your dreams


yeah what about rana

hey come please tell

i thinks she is nice

It shows you sit next to her with your tongue hanging out - salivating :w00t:

when i have never done that

dont scare her off like you did the bunney boiler, mind you she was a right user!!

Last night :Whistling:

yeah whatever


i know i thought she liked me but i must have been to dumb to see it ,

i know i thought she liked me but i must have been to dumb to see it ,
No you werent dumb - just too nice :smiley:

trouble is ginge, without sounding too harsh you can come across as being a little “desperate”, you need to swoon your ladies!:smiley:

i do like rana, but i dont want to be taken for a mug again (i know she wouldnt)

well dont be telling her about how big your winkle is, and would she like agood shag, oh and DONT eat like uncle fester…:w00t:

my ears were burning… thought i’d find out the source!! :smiley:

i really enjoyed last night… missed all my biker buds! ta for poppin’s for the food and the mmmmmmm lovely desserts!!

desserts!! o yeah

ginge good to see you were the only adult there last night and we were the kids, but that was westie and angies fault they made us play,

:smiley: Don’t go blaming me lol … My first shot aimed at Terry was way off and I took some stick for it, the next one aimed at Terry hit JasonB straight in the centre of his forehead…:D:D:D:D:D poor guy was trying to eat his pudding, his face was a picture :smiley: I couldn’t contain myself and ended up crying tears of laughter.

Ginge your shot was spot on, a few people got me in the moosh…

Last night was a great night, nice to see some new faces … ere can only smell that smell?.. I wonder if Terry’s still got some sprouts in his hoodie :wink: