Please help me repair my bike @ Borough tonight

I crashed my bike today, I’ll see what I can do at lunch time but I may need some help this evening at Borough Market. I need to replace the bolt on the drill & bolted gearlever and man handle the front fairing as it would be nice to be able to turn right as well as left.

I would also like to know … The driver was turning right across the dual carriageway but stopped blocking both of my lanes. He will say that he saw 2 bikes approaching him too fast and froze & didn’t know what to do (Honda SP-1 on my inside did not stop)
So who was at fault for insurance purposes?



Got any witnesses?

In theory, its his fault for trying to complete a manouvre when it was not clear to do so taking it that you had not gone through any red lights etc.

Did you report it to the police?

Have you told the insurance company?

Do you have legal cover?

Sorry to hear about the accident. As chuffster says, he was trying to complete a maneouver, didn’t and was on your side of the road blocking it. Technically that makes him at fault.

That said he will state that the other biker (SP1) was able to spot the danger and not crash therefore this is a contributory factor and at the least the insurers will push for 50/50%. Best to get witnesses and mark down the details whilst fresh in the mind. Go there and take some photo’s, can’t hurt.

Also you should ask yourself why you binned it and the rider alongside you didn’t as we all learn from mistakes.

Hi sorry to hear about your accident.

If you are near twickenham area i will be glad to help out.

I would rather not ride if you can turn the bike properly just be very careful.

Thanks for the encouragement re fault.

Don’t have any witnesses, even though another biker stopped and a pedestrian stopped & wrote down the driver’s licence plate as he drove off rather far, but was just parking at his work. You know how it gets after an accident you never end up doing the right things in order and the 2 witnesses went away before I got any details.

The SP1 passed in front of the car which made it stop. I was planning on going behind the car assuming it was going to continue with his maneuver. I probably could have stopped harder but was starting to feel my front wheel skid (maybe that was imagined) and stopping that hard I didn’t feel able to steer round the back of the car.

But I certainly take on board lessons to be learnt.

Haven’t yet reported it to insurance but will do.

Was reported to the Police, but we both left before they turned up (under police instruction to do so)

My recent experience with insurance settlements suggests that no matter how in-the-right you were, you are 50% at fault simply for riding a motorcycle. Get comprehensive insurance…

If someone could bring long bolts and nuts to Borough tonight so I could repair my gearlever, that would be great. Not sure of the exact size of hole already drilled in the lever but the old bolt took a 10mm spanner.


I’ll see what I can find & bring them along

Got it sorted now at work! But thanks for the offer. I’m sure you can all laugh at my sticky back plastic repair job!

Stu - call Rider Support Services. They will be much better than any legal cover your insurance company provides. They are free and although I’ve not used them myself (although I wish I did instead of the muppets provided by my insurance compan ies legal cover) I have heard great things about them.

Call them straight away and explian everything to them before going into too much detail with other people. Do not accept any liability. 020 8246 4900