Please help me find parts for my bike :(

Hey all, trying to repair my bike after a recent off.

Needs a new handle bar, right footpeg and front right indicator lens.

The lens I can get, the other two items are pretty elusive.

Thanks to anyone with some ideas :slight_smile:


I’d just stick aftermarket pegs on as they are cheaper than the originals but if you want them try salvage yards. The handlebar, would you not want them new as someone might just be selling ones they trashed like yours…

Seems like it is going to have to be after market, yeah…

As for the bars, surely if they are not bent, they are good enough, no?

I don’y mind buying new if i absolutely have to.

What’s the make and model?

Sorry, how silly of me.

It’s a Kawasaki Eliminator BN125 2001

Bin it, and get one of these…



:w00t::w00t: Alex… be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

If you would like to pay for it Alex, I’d happily take you up on that offer! :smiley:

look on busters website or demon tweaks…should be able to get pattern bars/pegs etc nice n cheap plus they send them out quickly :slight_smile:

e-bay, breakers yard…


Nothing on ebay,wemoto or busters ;( pc is down so using phone,makes searching a lot harder.any other sites to check? :frowning:
