Thats right guys i just Spoke to Gaz who is a londonbiker and some bas**rds have broken into his place while he was at work today.
Yes they took lots of bits like playstations and laptops but the bastards also nicked his pride and joy a custom sprayed helemt which is VERY distinitive and TOTALLY one of a kind — this is where we need your help.
Helmet details are below - if you see anything, or find it for sale please PM me and/or buy it as we will payback and there will be a drink in it from a seriously gutted bloke!
Helmet Type - Shoei Ex-Spirit
Colour - Blue, Black and White with a Flouresent Yellow Strip Down the Middle
Main Features - It’s got GAZ#9 (in yellow) on the back and its got a white rose on the side (this is the yorkshire rose)
There is nothing close to this out there so if u see anything that looks similar please inform us!!