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Hahah, brilliant! Well done Silver! Andrew, you look like a pro mate (not that type of pro, foxy says…)(with the LB t-shirt)

Oh, so the rumours are true: he does have a big one!

Aaah, he appears to be using the ‘surprise results’ camera operation technique I taught him

Haahaaha nice one Damon!

I need a bigger lens dammit.

Bigger??? Looks pretty nice to me mate!

Damon, show’em yours mate!

And that must have been taken early doors on Saturday as my arms don’t resemble lobster’s legs, which they did yesterday afternoon.

lol you crack me up mate! That camera looks pretty damn fine to me mate!

And it’s still made to look like a pea shooter by most the of the big pro lenses!



Now that’s what I call a ecent kit! Nice one Silver

Now thats a camera! I like it!

Well you may call it that !

I’m humbled by that picture Damon