Save your money up and get over to Oz to try this amazing circuit for yourselves. It was just breathtakingly great.
Just one pic so far that the professional photographer took.
What really annoys me about these events is that they have to leave early to get pics ready for sale and by the time you’ve relaxed in the afternoon (i.e. stopped worrying about binning someone elses bike), they aren’t there to get them
May have a couple more to follow that a friend took but i have no idea how they have turned out…e=_P3E5449.jpg
hope this works
Hey hey hey!
Way to go. Have you been riding much on yer travels or was this a short sharp reminder.
And my jealous-o-meter is right over.
Great! Seems that you are having a nice time out there. Don’t forget to come back eh? I wouldn’t blame you
Mmmmmm, dry tarmac. Glad you have enjoyed it.
Good to see that its not just over here that the photographers do a dissapearing act at lunchtime. Lets hope that your friends have got a few more for you.
Nice one, and I thought Snetterton was a trek
Picking Up a Penguin and a Phillip Island sunset
Excellent!! Knocks my Germany pics into a cocked hat for sure.
That sunset is amazing and I find the whole idea of doing a trackday whilst on holiday incredibly horny. Is it just me?
Get stuck in girl, and keep sending us pics.
Sounds like a dream holiday! You will have loads to tell when you come back eh? Perhaps a book? lol
Have fun
I’m already back.
I arrived back yesterday morning to that gorgeous rain
Sadly there has been a death in the family so you may not see me this Friday as we are arranging the funeral.
Would say welcome back to blighty girl but don’t think thats too apt what with the circumstances and the weather. Hope everything gets sorted and perhaps will meet up at the Cubana in a few weeks.
Thanks mate-it is good to be home despite what’s going on.
I missed you lot and strangely enough, Friday nights in Soho
Really sorry for your loss… My condolences to you and all your family