People with buggies who don't love their kids (?)

…left or right (I wouldn’t expect both, that’s faaaar too much) when crossing the road, apearing from NOWHERE, rushing like crazy,

come on…

if you don’t care of yourself and other road users, at least care for the kid…

Another thing - how loud do you have to listen to your mp3s to not to hear the horn…? Quite a few people don’t even turn their head a nanomilimeter…

Sorry if I’m repating the subject, just woke up (ill a bit), and since I can’t sleep, I thought I will share the pictures from the daily way to work…

you will get use to it:)

can you actually get use to stupidity?:crying:

no but you get use to stopping quick:D

quote]can you actually get use to stupidity?:crying:
no but you get use to stopping quick:D

Or people who drag a walking toddler across a busy road, risking life and limb when there is a zebra crossing 10 metres to their left :w00t:

:sick: exactly…

Boils my ****, that does, along with the idiots nosing out into traffic with buggies.
As for the mp3… I’m guilty there.I was sat at the head of a traffic queue on the bike one time, watching for the lights to go.Looked round to see a police car with the passenger gesticulating wildly for me to get out of the way.Hadn’t heard the sirens :Whistling:(I should have seen them in the mirrors, but I was intent on making a quick getaway at the lights…)

There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead.


I listen to the music when riding as well, but at least we usualy do pay attention to whats around…

The people I am taking about (musical ones…) act as if there was EMPTINESS around them, as if there were on the desert island or something…

ugg boot fashion clad mums with their 3 wheel bugaboo buggies round clapham do it too much i see it so much in the summer scares the life out of me id never push my boy out first

well our pushchair arrives today, the baby in July and I’m determined that we are not going to pushing the infant out onto the road first. I have never understood how parents can do that, like testing the water with their offspring. Bizarre.

Lucky child of yours.

Congratulations by the way! :slight_smile:

Same here mate!

Buggy arrived already? We’re picking ours up a week before due date (April) and then I have a week to practice:)

wow it must be lb baby session

you certainly can’t fix it

Something in the tea at BMM…


You be surprised what you get use to:w00t: Doesn’t just apply to the road either!! Spend my whole day frustrated (work mainly) trying to stop the stupid feckers making idoit decisions, and what worse, clearly it up when they do…:angry:If I had my way, I say stop screening or treating Chlamydia, for anyone diagnosed more than once . Should slow/ stop the chavs from bredding. It a shame that natural selection ceases to take place of the evolution of man kind…

Can I add people on crutches to the list of people that seem to want to cross the road when it’s busy both ways. Makes you wonder how they got on crutches in the first place! :w00t:

On the MP3 thing; I was on a bus going down Oxford Street the other day and was amazed at the number of people who just wandered out into the road, headphones on…in their own little world, never mind the No.73 bearing down on them. Really don’t think I could be a bus driver…I’d just run the eejits over!
There was a fatal accident at a S. London station (forget which) where a young lad wearing headphones leaned over the edge of the platform and got a fair amount removed from the top of his head by a passing “down fast”…trouble is, people seem to switch MP3 on and brain off!
Pushchairs over the edge…well I think some mums have always done it, one guy i knew had his first bike-related accident when his mum pushed him out in the road and he was hit by a Belgian rider coming round the bend on the wrong side of the road:w00t:
…and he’s now in his fifties!
I can’t help thinking with some of them there’s an element of “dares” in their actions, thinking there’s no way a motorist would hit their kid (and maybe stop to let them cross)…which is pretty bloody daft given the observational skills of some drivers!