Pair of Tits

Winter snow is here and our native birds are finding food scarce. Please go to the petshop and buy a bag of nuts for our feathered friends. There is no finer sight on a snowy winters morning than a pair of Tits around your nut sack. Just remember however it’s a bit early in the year to expect a swallow!:smiley:

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I threw some bread out for them this morning.

How did I know I wasn’t going to be greeted by some boobies? :frowning:

Very witty wordplay though :slight_smile:

I love to see them in a snowy cold garden pecking furiously at my neighbours nuts. :smiley:


There were some great tits in my garden, but they were blue :wink:

Are you sure they were tits and not thrush:w00t:

she was a woodpecker

We’re trying to encourage a pair of tits to hang out in the garden permanently:

We’ve had one pair come for a viewing but no-one’s entered yet:)

Enough with the double entendre!

Seen quite a few tits in our garden, usualy the blue one’s, they are def partial to nuts :stuck_out_tongue:

All i’ve got is a couple of robins, and a squirrel.

:slight_smile: perhaps they’re looking for a freehold?


hey guys, what do those tits look like?

I can’t see any living creature for miles around.

The tits have gone but now i’ve got a pair of Boobies

This is far too surpressed. We need to just start a porn thread.

That really is quite stunning…

These are very small, hard to see!:stuck_out_tongue: