Other bikes

I was just wondering - you guys seem to have mostly what I’d class as sport bikes… do any of you own the more cruising bikes? I always had this vision of me being Liv Tyler in one of Aerosmith’s vid’s when I was growing up - I think it was all the leather… and I don’t know much about them…

Alas, another one heading for the dark side…

My idea of a cruiser is a ZX-12R in top, so perhaps I’m not best qualified to answer…

All I know is:

a) they’re big

b) slowish

c) get in my way in traffic

d) require more cleaning than I’m built for

e) look best in california

ha ha ha - yes I was expecting a reply like that - Not quite sure about the dark side, as yet I don’t have a beard and no I’m not going to get any tassles… So don’t worry not just yet

Oh dear. Seems yet again I’m living up to someone’s low expectations for me. Doh!!!

so what was it that made you want a sports bike in the first place?

Hey dsushee,
My cruiser pics, lovely bike wrong country to own it in, crap weather and crap roads = loads n loads of cleaning…nuff said

Give me my gixxer anyday


Nice! so opposed to general consensus you are allowed to like both a sport bike and a cruiser??

How come you’ve got a cruiser in this country then if its a real pain to clean?

beauty and the beast… you decide which is which


It was my first bike, rode for 3 years to get insurance down to an acceptable level so i gould get my baby… gixxer 1000

your gixxer is lovely - it really is - not sure as a pillion where I fit (i mentioned this to Lee the other day when he mentioned he liked the new style bikes and he said God did of course give me two feet! ) but I think it is time for me to learn - I’m just trying to figure out what I like and what I don’t like at the moment.

Last weekend was a great help as I’ve never seen sooooo many bikes in one place before so got a good chance to have a look at them all… lovely.

I have a nice padded seat for the back, so you can jump on anytime if you fancy a blast on a gixxer. As far as what bikes your into i would say go with your gut feeling as to the bike you get(insurance permiting). I wanted a gixxer since the age of 11, boy what a feeling when i realized my dream of owning a gixxer, i can’t stop smiling every time i get on her

That’s great and I would definitely like take you up on your padded seat offer I guess I still have loads of time to decide though as 1) money is not permitting at the moment and 2) the most crucial factor… I don’t have my licence ha ha ha. whoops.

Anytime, the padded seat has a reserve on it for you… gives you more time to decide and save for your dream bike…when r u thinking of doing your test?

If I could it would be soon as I want to get on and do it pronto - maybe if a few things work out it could be next month, unfortunately if they don’t it could be NEXT spring far too far away but I have learnt the art of patience so its cool I’ll just sit here biting my nails until then - OR just bug you

LOL as long as you get there eventually, i did’nt pass my test untill i was 32, life just seemed to get in the way then one day i just thought f*** it and booked up…like all good bikers i passed second time round what a feeling

32 eh? well I still have a bit of time before that he he he

I am looking forward to it. Do you have any suggestions for a firts time rider? (and don’t say a push bike with a panier and tassles - that sh*t just ain’t funny ) he he

Only ride to your own capabilities, asume all drivers are going to hit you, get a bike you can actully ride and enjoy what style of bike do you want…cruiser, sport, mx,supermoto ?

errrrrrrrrrrr one that doesn’t give me chronic back ache? is that too girly to say? mmmm asides from that something that doesn’t scare the living sh*t out of me but also that I can get some fun out of it. Not very informed am I? Any suggestions?

If it,s a sport your after i would say go with an SV650, if you want a cruiser i would go for the dragstar xvs 650, the bandit 600 also a bullet proof bike, it,s all down to personal taste. I think that if you can pass your test you can ride anything but if you don’t trust your right hand, def start with a smaller bike although i would’nt go below a 600…

Thanks for that! Luckily enough we’ve already got a sv650 that i’m rather fond of and you are now the second person to have suggested that bike so maybe Lee will have to get the Triumph daytona he’s lusting after at the moment…