Thinking of getting this jacket for the occasional two-up on bike come summertime… what do you think? not leather but cordura with armor.
Honestely? That jacket will look filthy very quickly! I had a Dainese in white once and never more!
Very true. I’m not a huge fan of looking like an advertising board either - I’ve seen some beautiful Vanson and Furygan (French co) jackets, and Dainese are never much less than stunning.
But hey, if it lights your candle, do it.
Wouldn’t want to wear a ciggy companies name personally, but each to their own.
True about the white getting dirty, but its only occasional use…as for the ciggy thingy…don’t smoke myself but its the “suzuki” racing heritage…Schwantz and all that. am going to check out the ones andrew mentioned
furgan are the mutts nuts
I agree with these guys, not really into advertising myself. Bullett motorcycles is a small shop on the New Kings Road and Roy who runs it always has some decent (unusual) kit inside. Before you buy a jacket if you are close it is always worth a look in.
Not for this time of year, iv got a GSXR jacket that i use on the scoot and the white is now grey !!
Does it have ce armour??? thats a must imo, and if its from ebay be very sceptical about the quality as there so cheap on that thing!
Its got Knox armour as standard with back protector and shoulders and elbows
jo can only agree
sorry not so keen bit of cheese mungory going on
plus every shop in camdon got one
nice jacket but you’re brave if you choose white! I have two white panels on my alpinestars jacket and spend ages rubbing them with baby wipes and leather cleaner to get the grime out! (doesn’t help that I only bathe once a month)
My god, what’s wrong with you people? … bike jackets are supposed to look dirty! … the sooner it gets dirty the better … we wouldn’t wanna look like “catalogue man” now would we?!!