Im picking up my bike on fri but it hasnt any rd tax. as you know i cant get this until i get the papers (fri) & a insuranse cover note. ( which won’t come for a while as im getting my insurence tomorrow.
now there is no post office close by to the dealer & i need to get back to the other side of london.
Well seeing as the tax starts from the 1st of the month, surely even if you buy your road tax on SAturday, you will be covered retrospectively on the Friday… could do with some assistance from the LB ossifers for the complete low-down, but as far as I am aware riding without insurance is viewed as a lot worse than no tax.
The Post Ofice are bound by the DVLA rules which are absurd. You can have valid insurance but not be able to pay the tax because the cover note is still in the post, but you can pay the tax on a cover note even though you have cancelled the insurance and transfered it to the new vehicle!
When I tried to point out to DVLA that their rules encouraged this - I gave the example that I could tax a vehicle outside my house which I had cancelled the insurrance on but not the one that I had paid for insurrance on, they told me this was dishonest if I treid. The didn’t seem to understand my explaination that their archaic systems are dishonest in that will allow me to do it, but will not accept it on insurred ones!
Today I set out to get my new license - DVLA have now made getting a license updated even harder than getting passport renewed!
Tax is a civil issue not a criminal one. I wouldn’t suggest riding without either but I would ride without tax as long as I got it at the first available opportunity, because they’re going to back date it till the beginning of the month anyway. As long as you’re insured even if you don’t have the papers on you. IS the bike SORN of has the tax just expired because if you get pulled on a SORN bike they might be a little more harsh.
just paid for insurence now so fingers crossed i’ll have it tomorrow before i pick up the bike. as for the tax, i’ll get it at post office outside my houseas soon as i get back. but that means riding from n11 to w12 .
is there any law men on here that can tell me its cool to ride home aslong as i get the tax sorted asap…lol
I know it says no photocopies allowed when you’re taxing a vehicle but just photocopy it and when/if asked in the post office, just say that’s what you was sent. Most online sites enable you to print off a copy.
Make sure the photocopy is a good copy and not got black ink or lines across it.
I paid for the insurrance on my new bike on Tuesday - still no docs have arrived!
They had bloody well better turn up tomorrow (which will mean getting into work late after waiting for the post!) or I won’t be ablke to pick up my new bike until after the insurrance runs out on my old one!