

oh sh1t… didnt expect that

Typical honda rider!

But seriously, it’s obvious from the start that they both have no idea what they’re doing so why is the second guy right behind the other one to start with? We’ve just seen he can’t do a stoppie but now he’s all of a sudden got a lot of faith in his brakes :smiley:

+1 exactly what i thought!

ps look at what they did to that scooter!! :w00t:

That was the best bit! :smiley: :cool:

he also takes his hands off the handlebars - 44seconds - dick!

I think his hand slipped… No gloves? that’s gotta sting a bit…

The bike rolling into the scooter made me really laugh and now everyone is looking at me at work!!! :smiley:

Just like being at the Ace! lol

oops :smiley:

what an idiot

what a ****

the guy with the ninja seems to be surprisingly not annoyed, and clear headed at the whole thing. i expected him to be fuming. suppose i watch too many American videos like this :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe they’re friends…?

Take another look.

They are doing that on a pathway. There are people sitting on benches, children on the train thingy, people walking around.

What F’ing retards. Very stupid and both deserve the outcome. So does the scooter rider :stuck_out_tongue:

Speechless on their stupidity, serves them right

Cool train…I want one!