One more down one more to go :D

Woohoo just finished my 2nd to last essay and its 03:08 :smiley: Electronically handed in so yer its all good. Just one more deadline tomorow :smiley:

Well I guess it keeps you off the streets :hehe:

oi :stuck_out_tongue:
Cheeky :smiley:
Am doing the next one now and then im FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Or stops you from more injuries, unless you stab yourself with a pencil :wink:

Cheeky :smiley:

I have 600 words to go :smiley: woohoo!

oi it was only 500 at 9pm last night, where have the other 100 come from :slight_smile:

LOL that was my other essay. This is a different one today. Had a deadline at 9am this morning and another at midnight tonight :slight_smile:

Hang on, are you saying that after you left us last night you went home and did a 500 and today did another 600

LOL 500 plus proof reading and sorting out the bibliography etc…

and today is another 2,000 on a finance subject… am blagging my way through this one lol

go girl go lol

:smiley: one this is done i am free :smiley: yaye :smiley:


Woohoo is that it for christmas then?:wink:


ISH :stuck_out_tongue: i have a few odds and sods to do but more or less YES :smiley: