One for Shane

it was photoshoped

here it is

this is bad mate! very good :wink:

How sweet looking.

god!!!..ginge…ur infatuated with my nob…!!!


Only because he is a knob.:stuck_out_tongue:

Now, Now Ladies…stop ‘knobbing’ around… :smiley:

no im not mate people have been saying thats been photoshoped and im only showing then the real pic :laugh:

yeah i may be a knob but at least im not affraid to get out to bike meets and other events :wink:

Smiled gets a rough BJ…


i will gladley invite anyone to have a veiwing if they so shall please to authanticate…:wink:


photoshop…lol…i dont even own the programme!!!:laugh:


I like the come back…very good! :slight_smile:

This thread is turning scary;):smiley:

Gazza i would re-phrase that if I was you mate;):smiley:

LeT mE pLay:DI do liKe bAll gAmes

:sick: Please… No…!

lol good stuff