Anyone wanna come?.. Drink sh*tloads of beer, and meet loads of hairy German Gash?..

Been there done that, got into fight, mate got stabbed, I got robbed, slept in a tent for 4 days with millions of very drunk Aussies and Kiwi’s. Beer was good though.

Do not go unless you have a nice hotel!!!

P.S. How is it over in Germany?

sorry Oodi, I’m with Londernrz on thsi one.
I can drink with Aussies any time I like in this town.
Best time for Munich is Christmas, snow, same beer only less aussies and kiwis and the Christmas Market which serves THE WORLD’S BEST Mulled Wine by the bucket load!

Christmas is the time to go.

Gluhwein by the bucket, honey sweets everywhere and cheap **** to buy your folks for christmas.

when is exactly…

I’ll be in Hamburg first week of October - But i dont think that counts.

I will however be drinking a lot of das bier.Auzgeseichnet!!!

16th Sept - 3Oct I think - looks wicked!

Sounds like …errrrrrrrr…no…id better not !!

Well oktoberfest starts saturday and ends around Oct 4th, its normally really good, im sorry for your personal experiences DRZ.

Germany is cool, im only here for work really, but the work is perfect. social life is slightly depressing, but getting better by the month.

Aussies and Kiwi’s?.. i thought it was just …GERMANS.

I have a feeling Charly would be interested…

im at the ring from 30th sept 5th oct anyway so loads of yagermister for me

Love that ****, might come to visit you egypt on the 3rd. ill be riding back to munich from london, not too far off the way and i wanted to view the ring.

Are you from Egypt?.

im going already,