Oil In The Exhaust!

Just fitted a new exhaust to my Divvy 600 98 SE (new down pipes, etc, etc…) and where the link pipe joins the silencer a small amount of oil is making its way out of the link bracket. I tightened the link a bit more but that doesn’t change the fact that there is oil still making its way into the exhaust. Any ideas on what a probable cause could be? Is it the head gasket? Tired engine?

Any help would be much appreciated.


If it didn’t do it before, I would think that it’s just the presrvative oil from the new pipes trickling out.

If you’ve had the leak a while, could be loads of things…

Sounds like it could be one of many things, if it was running ok before its more likely oil from the link pipe gasket, most people grease this gasket before installing it (which would give you a small trickle - but not a leak), other than that - it could be the piston rings?

I’d be surprised if there was oil actually making it’s way that far - if your rings had gone, or valve stem seals, you would normally see the exhaust smoking - it would most likely get burnt in the combustion process.

How many miles has the motor got on it ? they go forever, so anything with less than 50 - 60k on shouldn’t be knackered unless it’s been severely neglected.

Worth checking the oil cooler unions - the bosses that the banjos screw into are prone to cracking and seep oil slowly.It can run down the frame and then drip onto the exhaust.Also check the breather pipes - they can get blocked with gunk and the breather will sometimes spew oil when you’ve stopped.

IIRC, the later model 600 divvies had electric carb heaters (the early ones were heated with oilways from the engine and can can leak), so shouldn’t be that.

Also check the rocker cover gasket…

Over filled?

overfilled oil. too much pressure forcing excess oil back through airbox and thus into chamber, failing to combust and leaking out of exhaust? would have thought it would be smoking like a behatch if it was this or piston rings mind? if not smoking then haven’t got a clue…