Oblivious Taxi Driver

Today at Vauxhall

Dont lecture me about “seeing it coming a mile away”. I did see it coming and it was cleanly avoided.

Nice vid :smiley:

Ha this is you on the videos, I have left some comments on your other vauxhall taxi or was it this one not knowing who you are.

I dont film all my rides but I should, only yesterday I was having an off my bike, him out of his cab shouting match with some black cab driver. :smiley:

Some days I seem to have such fluid rides and others people are just out to get me! :wink:

Have to say mate you have lots of near-misses under that bridge :hehe:…it is a nightmare down there though.

Suprised you haven’t been threatened with a ban for posting this up TBH. :wink: :Whistling:

Well done for getting all the details- love it.:stuck_out_tongue:

if i made a video every time something like that happened i’d never get anything else done! :smiley:

My advice: Get a pair


What camera setup have you got fella?

I was just going to ask the same thing. Probably one of the best ways of helping yourself (after the event) if you have an off.
What ever set up you have is it easy to use for a technophobe like me ?

There’s a whole thread on the camera stuff, shows different types of cameras and the footage quality they do.

ContourHD1080 recording in 720p

Hello Alexskylarking. :slight_smile:

What did I do, loving it …

As if he didn’t know, let us know how the PCO deals with it

Great video…“what did I do”…still on the phone…classic muppet…


I had six incidents just like this this morning, travelling from Croydon to Westminster.You really have to have your wits about you riding in our great city. At one point it was the movement of a lady driver’s large earrings that alerted me to an imminent, unannounced change of lane in front of me :crazy:

You really do have to pick up on the tiniest of clues as to what someone’s intentions are, when they’re in control of a ton and a half of steel, and you and your pillion are mere flesh and blood.

Nice vid…
Has the local constabulary inbox received a link to this yet?
GoPro kit shining head and shoulders above the rest once more.
Top effort.

“What did I do?” :smiley:

It’s that kinda attitude that rubs salt in the wound, I had a close call a few months back and then the guy who nearly hits me starts going ape on the horn and screaming from his car. shrugs if you’re in the wrong you’re in the wrong, FFS ! Grow a pair.

I sent PCO and Met RoadSafe a complaint about 4 days ago. No reply yet.
Also I did receive a few hate messages on YouTube when I mentioned that I had reported this guy :w00t:.

Also also it’s not a GoPro mate. That’s a ContourHD1080. :smiley:

Hey Premises :), I take it you just use the default mic? And you have it mounted on the goggle strap? I’m trying to find ways of improving the sound on mine as I have to pretty much shout in order to pick up my voice on it while travelling at anything above, say, 10 miles an hour - but then I have a full face helmet with visor rather than your motocross style helmet/goggles.

tehswerver (13/06/2011)

You can get a seperate sound recording device. Once upon a time I had a little MP3 player with a record feature and I put that inside the helmet. When I got home I just sync’d the MP3 with the video. Pretty easy.Some people have actually opened up the Contour and hard wired a mic in.
Should be on YouTube

lol. ‘You get me’

So how do you do all the writing and slow motions and stops? Using a separate program or youtube editor?

Not nearly as scary as my ones:))





lolz enjoy:D