Now this stuff looks interesting

That’s pretty sick, any word how much it is to treat a tyre with it?

If it’s a tenner a tyre, I’d get it with my next tyre change. If it’s fifty quid… nah, probably not :wink:

ultraseal anyone?

no no no no no no no no :smiley:

looks impressive but i wouldn’t wanna take a risk taking the bike on a fast blast or trackday cos although the hole is sealed its sealed with gel n not rubber so surely gonna compromise the integrity of the tyre, great if your a courier

As said above. Ultraseal (now also being marketed as Puncturesafe for contractual reasons) has been around since the 70s and does work. A bottle with plenty for both tyres costs about £20 on Ebay. It is very easy to do yourself, but it is worth having a 12v pump rather than a foot pump to re-inflate the tires afterwards. The Ultraseal is put in the tyre through the valve hole with the core removed. Everything you need, including a tool to remove and replace the core is included in the kit.

More info here -

But you will never know when you’ve had a puncture or not;)