Nice little video about 2 brothers giving their Dad a surprise

Enjoy :cool:

Video made of awesome :Wow:

that was cool, i have 1 of them t-shirts too, lol

All I got for Xmas was a crappy tie!

Excellent find, makes me laugh that he still went down in the basement but never noticed it missing :stuck_out_tongue:

This made me cry :blush:

That is pretty cool

Cool video with a great story.

Thinks…perhaps i could drop a few hints about getting my old 750 kawa sorted.:wink:

What an amazing video! I actually had a tear in my eye for the old fella! :stuck_out_tongue:

Excellent video. My son takes good bikes away and brings back wrecks. :smiley:

Made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside, what a cool present for the old man!

Thats amazing! What a lovely story.

One day, I WILL restore my dads old Alfaromeo that has been in the garage for many many years. I also take bikes from him and bring back wrecks :blush:

I would get a bike done of his, but he has one them all!!! all 7 of them :w00t: its the blue one, but red!

great vid, i am expectng another pair of socks:cool:

I hope my kids turn out as good as his sons…

“norton…rules” priceless

What a awesome video, thank you for posting it up.

That was a wicked vid…now where is my Kleenex…