New respect for video editors

With some projects nearing testing i needed to create some video footage to test streaming etc etc … i’ve just finished a Final Cut Pro editing course so figured i’d just hash up some old stuff, but i got bored very quick.

I’ve got a program called Comic Life on the Mac that makes great comic effects out of your photographs but cant do anything to video… Here’s where it got interesting…

I managed to capture 20 or so seconds of film ( about 500 frames ) , exported them ALL as still images, imported them to comic life, and exported every frame after it coloured them… then i imported them all back into the editing program and combined them to get video that was cartoon in look…

My god it too me hours to get this look ( click the link for 2meg video ) , looks better in large format but thats like 100Meg , but it gave an overall different look… So to all the guys who do this for living editing out frames one by one for digital effects… Man those guys have the patient of a saint…

To them i tip my hat… So here’s my playing :slight_smile:



Hehe - that’ll be me then I’m not quite an ‘editor’ - I work in visual effects though. I’m responsible for putting together the final image with computer graphics, original footage, etc.

Nice work LCaller - like the work you’ve done there! Reminds me a bit of the colour work they do on Top Gear features.

LCaller your right the guys that do it deserve a lot of respect BUT a lot of the work is eaiser than it looks, we have big computers and programs like Canapus which come with very tasty graphic cards and a few sweet plugin’s, that create a lot of the effects your after all you need is the money and render power

Uder do you use Combustion, 3DS Max and Maya etc, I have seen what combustion can do I just need to get my finger out of my arse and use it.

Oh and LCaller nice work dude

I use Shake at the moment, although I’m not sure what we’ll be using down the line as Apple have discontinued it, bastiges… Combustion is a nice package but I think After Effects is a better app for video work. I work mostly in film so it’s either Shake or a bit of Flame/Inferno work for commercials.

my problem with After Effects is right now it isnt out in Universal binaries and i found after effects dog slow… Hence i had to use another app.

I also couldnt find any plugins for AE with a comic filter, do you know something… Also i though Shake was ettign another release, can i just drop footage in a filter apply to it ?

I don’t think there’s anything in Shake that would automatically do a posterise filter like you’ve got there. I thought AFX would have something like that though? You could quickly make something up in Shake mind you that would do the same thing.

As far as I know the existing release of Shake is the last one that Apple will do. At least that’s what we’ve been told.