New Radar Car in Belgium.

Watch out,when in Belgium. This is what they use to try and catch you going 3mph over the speed limit.





Crafty buggers.

it wont catch doohan:)

wouldnt see it would ya


Gee Wizz that seems a bit OTT.

isn’t the laser beam supposed to be pointed at a hard surface on the car or bike? I would assume it would be shitty for bikes, bad readings:(

it looks quite wide so i’d imagine it would time you from the time it takes to go through the beam

I am assuming the car is fitted with another cam to be able to record your number plate or do they just chase after you?


Most of the time, the majority of countries with any kind of speed devices, are usually used in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. These areas are usually residential too. I think we should have more of these about. Most people dont support them, but i think everyone who has had a child knocked down does. I would too.

In the national’s i rarely see speed devices.

They’d need something better than that to give chase!

Or a car up ahead to pull you over.

crafty buggers those belgians :smiley:

They have yet to invent a vehicle that can outrun a ticket through the post! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: