Need some advice. Fed up with work mugging me off

If your fed up then quit or have a bit of fun getting fired.

I like this suggestion the best

Go to HSE website and download a copy of PUWER regs.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations - extends to include motor vehicles provided for work.

Briefly, requires work equipment to be safe and suitable for intended use & maintained that way, covers requirement for defect reporting and maintenance logs, driver training for self propelled vehicles, equipment must be selected according to working risks and conditions (ie not a scooter if most of your work is m/way)

Employer has a duty to provide safe plant, and duty of care to ensure as far as reasonably practicable your safety in the workplace (that being anywhere you work on the bike).

Further, if they provide a bike as work equipment, they must provide the PPE - that being all your rider kit…

But. As a few have said, although this is all Law, beware of rocking the boat as someone often falls overboard…

Brilliant quote :slight_smile: