My wheelie

My Wheelie on my push bike goin to Ace With a couple of Mates When we didnt have Motors to get us around. To bad its camera Phone Quality.

Quality mate, and superb balance and steering between pedestrians and riding off the kerb is class. You`ve got a talent there.

Bloody hell, you got some good skill there nice one

cool, how do you do that? Are you balancing on the rear brake? I can wheely my mountian bike quite well but can’t keep it up

did you work in the circus or somthing?

well done dude…good skills…

i might drag out the raleigh chopper and give it a crack myself!!!


No i hardly use the rear brake its all about the balancing point once you’ve learnt where it is, then you just pedal harder to get it there and stop pedaling for a little bit once you’ve hit that point and you can use your body weight as well. and when you go down curbs you take the bike up and just past the balancing point as your leaving the curb as the front will want to go back down once you’ve hit the road again and then pedal hard to keep it up and a lil tug on the bars.

no i dont work in the circus, i just ride alot i started learning how to wheelie in a carpark and to see how many lines i and my mates could do over and over again. (no not drugs white lines on the ground) and it went from there.

actually when you have it in the balance point and ease up on peddling it will tip back, so if you inr balance poing 8 times out of ten you will need the brake to get the front down.

As for wheelying in car parks and counting lines, i used to do that, thats how i learnt, pushing past the next line was a huge grin factor

Use the back brake alot more mate, you can pretty much do anything on one wheel, like slowing it down, coming to a complete stop, spreaders, highchairs, heel clickers etc etc

Nice Vid mate!

Good stuff Trix, makes me wish I kept my push-bike…

I thought you had to use the brake as well !

I can get it to the balancing point but it normally just flips out beneath me

Need to practice again this summer

yeah if you go past the balancing point then just slide the brake on a bit but not to much so it grips then the front will come back down. but once you’ve mastered the point then you can keep it there and wheelie as long as you want to. Its just control and feel what the bikes doing. its good you know where you are when the bike flips now just remeber that and then press the back brake to keep it there.

Good luck

dont stop peddling as you use the brake. or you will drop the front untill you learn fine control to be able to coaster.

Trust me mate, id use the back brake. I used to wheelie without it, now i cant not use it, if a bike doesnt have a back brake i cant wheelie as good. Same with me mate. YOU SERIOUSLY NEED THE BRAKE.

trix, if you use the brake your wheelie will be 5 times better

Lookin at that vid you reckon the guy needs tips??!

Trix, that be some technique you got there matey. Nice 1!..(Flash git)