My Royal Wedding Day Rideout

It seemed the only other bikers out were all using the A roads, I guess they’re in it for the speed.Don’t get me wrong, I’m still blown away at times by the accelaration of my bike, the acceleration that I don’t get to use on my normal London ridng but just as much fun was had when cruising at 30 through the villages.

Me setting off.

Before long it was clear that for the best part the roads were going to be all mine…

I headed South and worked my way through Surrey and into Hampshire and stopped in Fleet for a quick coffee.

From there I headed out into the sticks…

and soon found this great twisty road that I had to ride twice.

Found this place in Berkshire, a lot prettier than Big London…

…as you can see…

I found two fords today but only took pics of this one, with the help of my camera timer…

The best way to see the M3…

A quick ciggy break…

Decisions, decisions…

Now that’s what you call a front gate…

Still all quiet…

Oh look, a car…

Ha ha, that’s a joke, they’re all at the wedding.

The only way to see the M4…

Tango taking a well earned rest…

Still quiet out here…

Green (waterless) Pond…

This must be where the village idiot got locked up…

I was gagging for another coffee by now and luckily I crossed the A4 and there was a texaco garage…

A Tango wannabe turned up and rode off like he’d just wobbled out the showroom…

The only way to see the M25…

This should be fun…

…and it was.

Another ciggy break…

Popped into Boxhill as I was passing…

but only 9 bikes there as it was 6.15pm by now…

I’m already with Devitt thanks guys…

Bugs on my lid…

All in all a great day out with all sorts of different roads and riding.
I didn’t even have to shout at anyone either

Bloody nice pics there :slight_smile:

How many miles did you end up riding that day on this tour?

That’s my CBF at Boxhill :slight_smile:

Great day with little traffic I seem to remember, nice pics

That’s some fantastic pictures :smiley:

I did say in another thread that I did over 200 miles but I was getting iot confussed with my village hop to Margate. I did 169.9 miles on this day.

Nice pics, if you were there at 6.15pm you just missed the rest of us on a BH rideout :slight_smile: