My new lid!

I bought a St George cross Arai yesterday woohoo! Wanted one for ages and finally got round to biting the bullet and getting it

It matches me knee sliders nicely

Ok pics added!

i know we have seen them but wheres the pics??? come on get with it!!!

I had a brief look on the net but had no luck and havent got the lead to attach phone to the pc

just go online on yer phone??

Pics added see top of post!


Well you know its easier that way

So come on what do ya think of it?

See the pic in the A-Team Post !!!


Terry …Im having words with you son !!!

Top lid mate…fit vision…a bit noisy but quality !!!


It is good and quieter than my last Arai!

However riding home yesterday the bottom of my left ear started to hurt a little which is a little worrying as it looks the same inside as my old one. Did you get any of this Barro?

I got mine from BabyJ

I had same problem…until…

He told me to wear it for a while for it to shape…then fill it with lukewarm , slightly soapy water and let it dry a while…get it back on ya cannister and it will shape and fit as snug as a bug !!

he was right !!!

not aimed at babyj (dont even know where he works) did anyone read an article in MCN the other week, a staff member at an infinity store gave a customer some advice on how to make his lid fit better - told him to do some really weird stuff - they had sold him a helmet that was way to big for him because it had been in stock for so long they just wanted to get rid of it!! The helmet should be on yer head for at least 5mins before you buy it, any pains or pressure on your head thats unconfatable means its NOT THE RIGHT SIZE (probably too small or you have the wrong shape head for the helmet)

Thats another thing…

babyj told me to stuff it out with newspapers !!! =

when he saw I could smoke a fag with it on and the visor down…

Jurassic !!!

I am worried with your lids on and on your rides how will we know who is who? I think you should add your name to the rear top gear stylee.