My little collection

Hi guys here is my little collectio hope you like

the middle one is a very rare mini bike that was commisioned by MV AGUSTA in the 1970s I’ve totally restored it

Nice :cool:

Can’t see you fitting on the mini moto though mate :hehe:

Hi Afro how’s things going mate
your right there mate looks good in garage just bee some midgets to go on rideout with now ay


v nice

Not too bad mate…It’s been ages dude.

Hopefuly meet up with you soon and go on another rideout this time without Police pulling me for speeding and you for the classic plate :smiley:

Are you still doing the performance parts business because I think I’ll need some bits at some point?

I am mate what ever you need I’ll beat any genuine price no matter what mate we should def go for another ride out but like you said without the blue light following us ay haha

Haha, how come me and Woody ended up worse off that day, lol. I’m sure there’s a photo of the scene here somewhere as Andrew&7 went past and snapped us having a word with the boys in blue.

My wife would fit perfectly on the mini moto :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wifey wifey pretty please can I have it???:P:P:P

Well we shall see :smiley: If you are a good girl i may buy you one for your birthday :smiley:

BUT I DON’T WANNA WAIT!!! I’m high maintenance.

Kewl trio :smiley:

That day was a f**king classic…Andrew just appeared from nowhere all smug smiles and happy snapping.

I never did get to see the pics, but I’d love to :slight_smile:

Come back Shezza and get another bike :smiley:

Very cool Woody, esp the one in the middle :wink: