Was awesome went round twice with an instructor and i got faster and better lean every time. Only prob i found was shifting my weight around which i didnt get too good at till right at the end…
Was awesome went round twice with an instructor and i got faster and better lean every time. Only prob i found was shifting my weight around which i didnt get too good at till right at the end…
Glad you had a good time. My leathers are still breaking me in, maybe by next summer I’ll be trying my first one. Still in two minds about doing it on a different bike though. Scared of binning my baby.
Looking sweet there mate! Just a little more hangy off style and down goes the knee!
Hey Anil, good on you mate!
Just don’t fight it - you look like you are pushing the bike down under you. Lean and show it the way !
Gareth you show off! lol
Anil, Im jealous mate, hopefully i’ll get on track some point next year.
Go for it, I would wait now until next year for the warmer weather. In all honesty you have a higher chance of binning your bike on the road.
Also if you do have an incident on the track, as a novice its more that likely to be a oh **** missed braking point type thing where you will run into the kitty litter with the bike upright.
Good on ya mate, I loved racing at castle coombe, untill my knee slider flew off and i nearly dragged myself off the bike! leather is grippy stuff you know!!!
Note the lack of slider!!
Those pics were taken b4 lunch and the instructors sterling advice…my position on the bike improved but was by no means perfect. I find it difficult to move my weight around on the bike…but i guess that just comes with time and practise…was still an awesome day
anil nice one mate.
best thing is you enjoyed it, you didnt lose your head and bin it.
you learned a lot about your bike.
come on LB one next year
Defo… i may get another one in at castle comb b4 then!