My first new Bike :) Arrrhhh!

Very Nice bike.

i just crashed my K8 750…

WTF is going on with the wheels???:w00t:

Nice bike, great colour, BUT yes, what is that on the wheels ??? :hehe:


Looks very nice :slight_smile:

a beauty

Nice bike! Congrats.

Highway maintenance reflective stripes-- they glow in the dark! (Safety first)!

Sorry bud don’t like the it.

Mate they look really shite!!! Take them of at once. Your spoiling a perfectly good bike…
Why not buy a Blue and White bike if you wanting to be seen more???

Big Fail! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lovely bike, don’t worry what others say about yellow stripes. The bike is your, so the the stripes must stay. :slight_smile:

Nice bike luvvie:) ignore all the nuts on here tis your bike… stuff everyone elses opinion…they have their own bikes they don’t have to like yours just as long as you like it:D

Lovely wheels :sick:

:)oh my those wheels are erm interesting.:stuck_out_tongue: nice bike though

I wasn’t telling him or anyone to change their bike but just stating it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Where can I pick up a whole heap of those from mate? I’m going to attack my fairings with them

You could freak people out with them ride through places late at night with the lights out and watch peoples faces when they see two yellow circles rolling down the road on there own. Lovely bike man

I like black sports bikes :slight_smile: Bet at the right speed those wheels spell out “S C R E W Y O U”…

keep the wheels dude…:wink:

and to all those blue and white haters…


I gotta say they look evenly spread out… kept same distance space

I wanna get some… where are they from? I wanna stick them on my car, on my helmet… on my other helmet:D, on my bike, on my dog…

Seriously I want some… to be used in whichever way I see fit.

Think I found a website that has some funky stuff: