My crash helmet -post accident *warning slight trace of blood...*

Thanks for posting this. An excellent warning not only to those minded to get cheap helmets, but also for those who like the open-face option…

I have a Shoei and they do seem to be an excellent make. I’m very glad yours did its duty well.

WOW, that is an amazing impact. You are lucky to be alive.

This is what is left of my boot after my accident

No wonder my foot now looks like it does.

Will your foot/leg make a full recovery? That really doesn’t look too good does it?:frowning:

Hi John. I have been told that there is a good chance that I will never walk 100% properly again due to a combination of the foot and knee damage. That said, after I crushed my shoulder in a bike accident years ago I was told I would not have full use of that. I have full useage of it now.Like you are experiencing things like this can get you down without a positive attitude, I am positive I will be able to walk again. My wife tells me I will be able to run again but only if I loose 4 Stone!! Cheeky mare:D

and here is the damage to the bike!!! Supermotos are tough, pity I wasnt:P

Bent footpeg!!

You see that’s what annoys me most about my accident. If my bike was returned to me in several boxes, with everything smashed, I would feel better, but apart from a broken brake pedal it was rideable, in fact the insurance man rode it into the back of his van… bastard.

That’s the problem, bikes are metal and plastic and on the whole crash quite well. We are on the other hand a little more fragile and dont tend to fair so well. Mind you my R6 fell over when I accidently lifted the side stand, near £200 damage.

Bike crashes are weird, I highsided my DRZ, forks twisted in the yokes and the handguard got scratched, I broke two ribs and wrenched my shoulder. Just cant get it right:P

Ah, you’re like me, put your bike first lol. A mate picked up my 750 after my biggie, straghtened the bars and rode it to work next day.

That hat has paid for itself and more. Do you remember anything about the accident yet? It may be a memory locked away forever.

Nope, nothing has come back, even with aid of several people telling me what happened and a couple of trips through the tunnel. The thing is I really want to know what did happen. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to meet the accident investigator soon,who will tell me exactly what happened and where, using his photos & evidence obtained from the scene, along with the witness statements.

ahh at least do it properly :w00t:



That’s a bit more like how I wanted my bike to look, with possibly a nit of a bend in the frame, or even snapped…:smiley:

Another thumbs-up for Shoei here. I landed on mine today, and it’s only chipped. Obviously I’ll be getting another.

Are you planning to send yours back to them, John? As was said earlier, I bet they’d love to see how it held up…

Bloody hell Seb!

You did a good job on that Hornet mate:crazy:

I’m glad you had more “bouncebackability” than the scoot;)

Bloody hell!!, Mate that scares me. Well done Shoei for proper designed & researched equipment.
Glad I’ve got a Shoei now!

Be interest to read what the investigator found. Take care.

Crikey, that lid and this bike look like the council crushed’em for no road tax!

re helmet,

lucky to be alive SE ,

not bad value for money to be honest

Got my helmet back the other day, it’s severely cracked around the chin area, and also has a rather interesting black rubber market across the top which looks suspiciously like a motorcycle tyre mark:unsure:

The inside is completely intact without the slightest hint of penetration…

It’s been said before on this thread, but I’ll repeat it… buy a decent helmet, it’s not worth risking something cheap and nasty. My lid was £140 at Ally pally a couple of years ago, really doesn’t make sense to buy something cheaper…

I’ve e-mailed Shoei about my lid, and I’ve offered it to the London bikesafe team for their lectures… hopefully some good will come from it