My 40th

Arrrghh there’s no hiding from it so I suppose I should celebrate in some manner.

My birthday is actually on the 3rd but I was thinking perhaps I’ll throw an open invite out for next weekend (say Sat the 7th) in town if anyone fancies a pint. It’ll not be anything formal just another reason for us all to get together. I also note that one or two others are having/had birthdays around now so…

Suggestions for venues etc welcome, but I’ll be getting the last train home (being old) so central or north of central will be preferred.

Don’t suppose you can change that to Wed 4th???

weeeeeeeeeeeee its my birthday on the 8th so I am have a bash too on the 7th but I gotta work till midnight but then its party time

Your 40th what? Hmmm, can’t be birthday, as you’re way too young for that. You’re also too young to have owned 39 previous bikes. Your 40th notch on the bedpost (this year)? Your 40th promotion & payrise?

Either way, count me in!

40, no way. Whats the calculation to calculate real age…supposed age x 2 - 3? Summat like that rite? Anyways count me out as in homebound, but have a good ‘40th’.

Old beggar! Dont look at day over 40 :0)

Venue… well Hogs head worked well last time… lol

If not, Waxy O’Conners is right next door and one of my favourite pubs.

let us know where exactly you decide…

Mines on friday the 6th so keep me posted!

Yeah, thanks a lot! I’m working till 11pm!

lol I might as well throw mine in too Mine is on the 2nd (forgot to add I’ll be 23) so yeah I’ll be up for a drink next week.

Looks like birthdays all round

You old git Kev I ain’t 23 till the 13th of feb lol! ner ner!

Damn it better get the old anti-wrinkle cream out

Too right mate let Andrew borrow it after lol!

Your a cruel cruel man

Oh yes!

Get you, you cheeky whippersnapper.

More respect for your elders wouldn’t go amiss…

Happy 40th!

many happy returns.

I respect ya mate YODA as you are

scuse ne, but WTF isYODA

You know what YODA is little green thing big eyes