Just testing the posting attachments procedure. If it worked for me then there will be a pic of my GSX1400. If it didn’t, there…err…won’t.
Ahh, goody! It did work. But now I realise I should’ve perhaps posted it in the Members Bikes Gallery section. Ooops, sorry. I’ll get around to that when I’ve gotten round to taking some decent pics of it.
nice bike ,my advice get some engine bars or heavey duty end cases as I’ve seen 3 of these bikes written off by low speed (15-20mph) offs ! (2 of them by my neighbour in 6 months lol)still the best colours though
Any bad experience ??..Ive dealt with them over my latest bike purchase and they cant do enough for me !!..Theres a post in the name and shame section concerning my latest visit (yesterday) !!